Payment Solutions for Your Business
Businesses must be able to accept payments where their customers are and how they want to pay. You need a way to handle payments that goes beyond simple processing. Edge One LLC carries the latest technology in full-service payment solutions designed to meet the needs of virtually any type of business. Take advantage of features that allow for streamlining the management of your daily operations so that you can run your business securely and efficiently.
Features Designed to Help Run and Grow Your Business
Edge One offers a variety of feature-rich payment solutions. Some of the available features include:
- Multiple Payment Options
- Virtual Terminal
- Wireless Connection
- Real-Time Reports
- Customer Rewards
- 24/7 Support
- Security
- & More
Call 800-423-3343 (EDGE) or request a meeting for more information about our payment solutions and assistance selecting the right devices for your needs.
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